Your Guide To Alcohol Detox at Home Remedies

ImageA major part of dealing with alcohol detox at home is knowledge about what to do when the body shows withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can be anything from nausea, vomiting, depressions, anxiety, chills, and fever to absolute disorientation and confusion. Also you should be medically cleared by you physician before you practice home remedies for dealing with alcohol abuse. Depending on the severity of the alcohol abuse or the addiction, make an informed decision about the procedure of the treatment.

Alcohol detox at home remedies

  1. Water: We are made up of 70% water therefore keep the cells and organs young and active. Alcohol dehydrates the body while drying up the cells and thus fatigue and ache set in. Take good amount of water and coconut water, freshly squeezed juices and buttermilk.

  2. Vitamin B: This is deemed as the best alcohol detox at home remedies. Alcohol reduces the Vitamin B content in the body and thus it is extremely important to fulfill this shortage. Add Vitamin C and magnesium in your diet too.

  3. Kudzu and Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is an absolute must for alcohol detox at home remedies. This is best supplement known to reduce the side-effects of alcohol consumption. It stops the absorption of alcohol by liver and removes the toxins from the body. Kudzu, a herbal supplement is well known for turning down the desire of drinking alcohol.

  4. Acorn: This home remedy is known to diminish the craving for alcohol and diminishes the effect the alcohol like enlarged liver and spleen. This medicine is readily available in homeopathy.

  5. Angelica: This home remedy creates disliking for alcohol. This tonic relieves you of bloating, gas, headache and colic pains. It also is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and enlarged spleen.

  6. Eat at intervals: Eat every two to three hours. Have complex carbohydrate rich diet like wholegrain bread, pasta, bagels, macaroni and fruits like apricots, plums, oranges and prunes to ensure blood sugar level is maintained.

  7. Sleep: This is one aspect that suffers the most as a consequence of fast lifestyles. Sleep for six to eight hours a day peacefully. As your body recovers, you will feel better and good about yourself. For better sleep drink a glass of warm milk before bed. You can even chew a handful of grapes. Grapes are considered sleep inducing.

  8. Meditation and Yoga: Practice meditation, focus on your breathing. Every time you feel like you need a drink, breathe. Count five breaths, and then count till ten, and so on till the craving subsides. Practice yoga, don’t go by online videos. Consult a practitioner and then see how your body gains back its strength. As you stretch yourself and feel the tension ease away, you almost rediscover yourself.

Do visit your physician once in a while, so that your progress can be competently monitored and changes can be proposed. Stick to your regime and lead a healthier life.


For more information about Alcohol Detox, click here.

Things To Know About Alcohol Detox At Home Guide

Detoxifying your system from the effects of alcohol is purification time for the body. Due to alcohol abuse over a long time or for intermittent periods leaves a lot of scars on the body and on the psyche of the person. Getting yourself of alcohol can also be a challenging process, if one is not aware of what to expect. The withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable, dangerous and sometimes fatal.

Some of the symptoms that people go through while detoxification are nausea, vomiting, feeling disoriented and confused, depression, anxiety, increased body temperature. Detoxification at home is what most people try to begin with and hence home remedies should target these symptoms first. It is important to know that symptoms vary from person to person. Some people might show all, or none, or some. You should consult a physician before you begin as this will be a major change in your curriculum. Keep reading for a peek into what alcohol detox entails.

You should consult a physician and not start off on your own, since each body reacts differently. Also you should be medically cleared by your doctor to start practicing detox at home.

Dietary approach for alcohol diet at home guide

Water, fluids, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals and no caffeine should become the way of life for you. Keep drinking copious amounts of water and other fluids like freshly prepared fruit juice, buttermilk, coconut water and the like. This will rehydrate the cells and muscles, remove muscle fatigue or the feeling of dead weight.

Complex carbohydrates will ensure a steady stream of glucose into your bloodstream. Whole grain buns, bagels, pasta, macaroni, fruits such as pears, plums, apricots and oranges all must form the part of alcohol detox at home guide.

Meditation and yoga for alcohol detox at home guide

To begin with the detoxification, you have to understand, what is standing in the way of you and your sobriety. Try meditation. Consult a practitioner and enjoy going in the recesses of your mind to weed out your alcohol abuse issues.

Your body might not be strong enough for gym exercises; however, yoga is a welcome alternative. Try yoga, it stretches the limbs, rejuvenates the organs and leaves you feeling fresh and energized. Yoga also focuses on breathing right, so you are able to deal with depression and anxiety in a better manner.

Pre-requisites for alcohol detox at home guide

To detox your body is not an easy process. It calls for efforts and self-control. Here are certain important things that you must bear in mind:

1. Patient’s will-power and compliance: It is very important for the patient to exercise compliance for effective treatment. The patient needs to be strong-headed and convinced that alcohol has made his personal, social and economic life miserable.

2. Home supervision: It is very important to keep the patient under vigilant supervision at home. One individual must always be around the person trying to detoxify his body. The person must be careful about the medicines and other routine that has to be followed by the patient and exercise control over them.

This alcohol detox at home guide is sure to help the patient live a normal and healthy lifestyle soon.

To know more about alcohol detox, Feel free to visit